WW2 German Field Telephone Equipment… Abspuler and Aufspuler

Ever since field telephones were used on the battlefield, there has been a need to quickly and efficiently lay out and take up telephone wire. During World War I, the Germans developed the Abspulvorrichtung (Unwinding device) to satisfy this need.

The Abspulvorrichtung consisted of a wire spool which fitted to a steel frame. The frame hung on the soldier’s belt and by a leather strap on the soldier’s neck. The spool was turned by a crank to take up telephone wire. To lay out telephone wire, the spool could be carried by hand.

Between World War I and World War II, the Germans developed the Aufspuler (Winder) and the Abspuler(Unwinder) to replace the Abspulvorrichtung. Like the Abspulvorrichtung, the Aufspuler was used to take up field telephone wire. The Abspuler was used to lay out or take up the wire.

The Abspuler was hand held and had a smaller spool. For laying out wire, a wooden handle was inserted perpendicularly to the spool.

For taking up wire, a crank was added to other side of the spool.

The Aufspuler typically had a larger spool, but could also accept the smaller spool of the Abspuler.

Both the Aufspuler and the Abspuler were designed to fit in the Nachrichtentornister (Communications backpack). There were three versions of the Nachrichtentornister: 1, 2, and 3. 1 and 3 were identical, and they each contained one Abspuler, one wooden handle, and one crank. 2 contained the Aufspuler. All three backpacks also contained spare telephone pars, batteries, and spools. Poles were strapped to the Nachrichtentornister for a sectional Drahtgabel (Wire fork), used to hang or remove wires from tree limbs.

The Nachrichtentornister was issued to German troops in the early years of World War II, but appear to have been phased out by mid war. Use of the Aufspuler and the Abspuler appears to have been discontinued in favor of back and chest mount wire dispensers.

Today, the Abspuler, and more particularly, Aufspuler, are very difficult to find. The Aufspuler is typically found in rough condition, and missing its leather strap and leather belt loops.

Contrary to popular belief, the Handkabelrolle (Hand cable reel) is NOT an Abspuler. It was used to lay or take up radio antenna wire, NOT field telephone wire.

Many thanks to my friend WH Restorer who let me reproduce his photos of his Aufspuler and Abspuler. You can visit his website at: https://www.whrestorer.com/

For more information about German WW2 field telephone wire reels and dispensers, check out my new book…  https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/rotwang-manteuffel/world-war-2-german-field-telephone-equipment-a-basic-guide-for-reenactors-and-historians/paperback/product-976w9q.html?page=1&pageSize=4

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