WW2 German Field Telephone Equipment… Line Construction – Part 2

Field telephone line construction (Leitungsbau) is described in Luftwaffe training publication L. DIV. 419/7a, Nachrichtenteschnichs Merkblatt, Section A. Leitungsbau. Some illustrations from this publication are explained below.

A typical telephone line construction team was comprised of one troop wearing the back pack wire dispenser (Rückentrage), two troops with wire forks (Drahtgabelen), and one troop pulling on the wire to tension it.

Figure 1. Cooperation between the wire fork and a puller. (a): Wrong, (b): Correct.

Preferably, wire was suspended from trees. Where there were no trees, wire was suspended from special poles. Figure 2 shows how telephone lines are laid out along a road…

Figure 2. Laying out the cables.  (a) Wrap once around a tree trunk (about every 500m).  (b) Cable is along the side of the road. It is important to pull the cable under tension because otherwise it will fall down !  (c)Trees are missing here, so 2 poles are used.  (d) From time to time tie the wire to a tree with a double throw masthead knot (See Figure 5).

Figure 3. Wrapping the cable around a tree trunk. (a) Fixing the cable around a tree trunk. (b) Do not wrap around the tree crown, but wrap around the trunk just below the lowest branch. The tree crown is the top part of the tree, which features branches that grow out from the main trunk. (c) Choose a tree that has a tall, branchless trunk so that the cables are at least 3 meters above the ground at that point. If not possible, route the cable up to a height of 3 m over a strong branch, then around below the crown – and continue at a height of 3 meters. (d) The puller should work with the wire fork man to keep tension in the wire as it is wrapped. (e) Anchor at least 3 meters from the ground, and a minimum of 4.5 meters when crossing a roadway. Good interaction between the “puller” and the “wire fork” is the basis for smooth construction. (f) The backpack wire dispenser has to go under the incoming cable after going around the tree.

Figure 4. Wrapping the cable around a tree branch stump.

Figure 5. Tie the cable to a tree at reach height (double throw masthead knot).

In Part 3, we will continue review of Luftwaffe training publication L. DIV. 419/7a, Nachrichtenteschnichs Merkblatt, Section A. Leitungsbau.

Check out my new book on WW2 German field telephone equipment…https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/rotwang-manteuffel/world-war-2-german-field-telephone-equipment-a-basic-guide-for-reenactors-and-historians/paperback/product-976w9q.html?page=1&pageSize=4

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