WW2 German Field Telephone Equipment… WW2 Reenacting Events

Many of us are WW2 historical reenactors besides being collectors of German field telephone equipment. Personally, I do impression of a WW2 German switchboard operator.

To do this impression I set up a switchboard exchange, several field telephones, an abspannbock, and a baukarren, complete with a backpack, tools, and wire spools. I mark the exchange with an “F” flag. The exchange is wired into the field telephones and is fully operational.

When event attendees stop by, I explain how the telephone equipment worked, the dangers involved in establishing field telephone service on the battlefield. and how field telephones were used by German soldiers. Attendees are amazed that most of the equipment was actually used in WW2 and that it is still fully functional. As part of my presentation, I let attendees use the field telephones to call and speak to each other. They enjoy themselves and walk away having learned something. That makes it worthwhile.

All too often, reenactors lug telephone and radio equipment to events and pile it up on tables in unconnected static display. To make matters worse, few reenactors explain to the attendees what they are looking at, its relevance, and how it worked. Attendees look at the pile of unconnected stuff and walk away clueless about what they just saw. What’s the point?

If you are going to do a Nachrichtentruppe impression, then learn about the equipment and how it was used. At events, connect it up and get it working. Instruct attendees when they visit your display. Let them use the equipment. It’s robust and won’t break. They will have fun and learn something. Your participation in the event will be more rewarding.

Check out my new book on WW2 German field telephone equipment… https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/rotwang-manteuffel/world-war-2-german-field-telephone-equipment-a-basic-guide-for-reenactors-and-historians/paperback/product-976w9q.html?page=1&pageSize=4

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