WW2 German Field Telephone Equipment… Involve Reenacting Event Visitors

At public reenacting events, it is important to let visitors get involved in your display. Visitors don’t learn much when they are presented with tables full of static equipment, and no explanation of what the equipment is and how it was used.

For example, at events, I wire at least two field telephones into my switchboard in my WW2 German field telephone display. I explain to the visitors how the switchboard and other equipment were used, and I also invite them to talk to each other on the field telephones.

After I show them how to work the handsets, nearly everyone is amazed at how 80+ year old telephone equipment still works and that it sounds so loud and clear!

After they are done talking, I show them how to crank the magneto to signal the switchboard operator that the conversation is ended. I then show them how the operator disconnects the call.

Check out my new book on WW2 German field telephone equipment…https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/rotwang-manteuffel/world-war-2-german-field-telephone-equipment-a-basic-guide-for-reenactors-and-historians/paperback/product-976w9q.html?page=1&pageSize=4

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